6 important facts that you didn’t about E-waste in México.

  1. Electronics become obsolete in 1-3 years.

  2. Every year, 50 million tons of electronic waste are produced.

  3. From the electronics collected for recycling, 80% end up in countries where there is no environmental or labor regulations.

  4. Electronic waste grows 3-5% anually and less than 20% is recycled.

  5. By seeping into the ground or aquifers, toxic substances represent a risk to the environment and our health.

  6. Mexico dismisses 300 thousand tons of E-Waste per year.

Photo by set.sj on Unsplash

Photo by set.sj on Unsplash


Separación de residuos: una cultura faltante en México.


6 datos importantes que no sabías del desecho de electrónicos en México.